Bedtime battles, escaping the bed at nighttime to run to your bed, giving up naps too early, waking up too early, nightmares... There are plenty of sleep challenges that your child can go through.
The good news is, though, that we can fix it!
It is never too late to sleep train your child!
Need 1:1 Sleep Coaching for
your toddler?
You may be thinking that you are now too late to sleep train and I want to tell you: It is never too late! We can still get you a champion sleeper in a matter of weeks!
We can end the bedtime resistance, the visits in the middle of the nights, the early wakings... How? Giving your child the confidence that he/she is craving!
How it Works
I will create a plan personalized to your little one's exact age and specific needs that will cover night and daytime sleep and all sleep related issues you are now facing. I'll walk you through the process during three-four weeks, available to answer all your questions and making sure we meet sleep success by the end of those few weeks!
Have questions about the plan? You are not sure Sleep training is for your child? Book a 30 min free discovery call with me to talk about your issue. I will share how we can, together, get sleep for your family.
I will send you a proposal after our call and, once you have decided, you will be prompted to sign a contract and pay the invoice.
We are now ready to get the ball of sleep rolling for your family!
The Sleep Plan is a 25-40 pages long document that covers everything sleep (bedtime routines, night wakings, naps, weaning the bottle / pacifier, traveling to a different time zone... you name it, you got it!)
It will give you all the tools and resources to get sleep back into your daily life.
I will walk you through the plan in a 1,5 hour video call. Got questions? Ask away! I will not leave until you feel prepared!
You will have me there for you every single day to support you, to cheer you up, to correct you if you walk away from the good path and to respond to all of your questions. This way there will not be last minute doubts that will make you fail in the process and lose time and frustrate you and your little one. I will make sure that you achieve your goal!
Want to ensure that you are doing it ok and send me a picture at 10 PM? Yes, please!
You just need a little guidance?
If your child already has independent sleep skills, you are facing a big transition or sleep has derailed a bit because of some changes around your little one, you don't need a 1:1 plan!
Let's just tweak some things to get your champion sleeper back on track!
Toddler Sleep Guide
99 AED
What has changed?
The perfect bedtime routine
Bedtime strategies
Sleep regressions
Transition to toddler bed Nightmares & night terrors
On the Blog