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How it Works

Discovery Call & Proposal

Have questions about the plan? You are not sure Sleep training is for your baby? Book a 30 min free discovery call with one of us to talk about your issue. We will share how we can, together, get sleep for your family.

You will receive a proposal after our call and, once you have decided, you will be prompted to sign a contract and pay the invoice.

We are now ready to get the ball of sleep rolling for your family!

Initial Assessment

On our first session we will conduct a thorough assessment of your child's sleep patterns and habits, as well as any underlying medical or psychological conditions that may be affecting their sleep. 

Customized Sleep Plan

We then will develop a customized sleep plan that addresses your specific needs and goals. This may involve changes to your sleep environment as well as changes to your sleep habits.


We will work with you to implement the sleep plan, providing guidance and support as you make changes to your sleep habits and environment.

We will regularly check in with you to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to the sleep plan.


Our goal is for you to implement changes that work for you and your family now and in the future! We will work with you to maintain your improved sleep habits and will give you the tools and resources to get back on track even when difficulties arise.

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